Lakshan BannehekeTry out the OAuth2 Token Exchange Grant using two organizations in AsgardeoThis blog delves into configuring both the token issuer and the token exchanging application by just using Asgardeo!Feb 14Feb 14
Lakshan BannehekeinAWS TipDeploying WSO2 Identity Server on Kubernetes (Local and AWS EKS)Deploying on local Kubernetes clusterMar 14, 2022Mar 14, 2022
Lakshan BannehekeBuilding OSGi bundles using Maven Bundle Plugin with embedded dependencies to be used in the WSO2…The WSO2 Identity Server (WSO2 IS) runs in an OSGi environment and any extensions that are developed for it need to be bundled as an OSGi…Feb 22, 2022Feb 22, 2022
Lakshan BannehekeKubernetes — 2 | Architecture and kubectlIn this blog, I will provide a detailed insight into the Kubernetes architecture and the kubectl command line tool that is used to…Feb 7, 2022Feb 7, 2022
Lakshan BannehekeReact or not to ReactWeb development is a field where you need a combination of languages such as HTML, JavaScript, CSS as well as frameworks and libraries…Oct 30, 2020Oct 30, 2020